Monday, August 15, 2011

The more I seek You, the more I find You

Saturday 13.08 another beautiful rainy day in Erasmus 3 km from Brussels. And I am slowly falling in love in this place even the rain does not boder me. It is literally like real life fairy tale. But on Saturday we had a chance to get out of this little country side to see some big city like in Brussels downtown. No lessons just chillax :))) Well we were ready take everything of this free day we could.

Memories of the day:
  • Eating traditional food of Belgium french fries. njommm
  • Singing in metro worship songs which made at least 10 sad people on the metro smile. SUCCESS
  • So discouraged of how tiny was the famous peeing boy.
  • Being with all the amazing people who surround me here.

Yesterday my favorite day of the week Sunday the church day! I was waiting for this day long time! I knew that we will visit this one amazing church of one pastor who was teaching us last week. So we all were exited. The moment I stepped I felt how all smiling and welcoming faces had a great influence on me. This was international church filled with people of all different domination. It was great picture how they all were bounding so well and were just one big happy family. We were so blessed to be part of that.

One of my favorite teachers form the school was preaching that day. He´s name is Bill Prevett. I have been learning from him so much. He made me think ov
er about a lot of things. Literally meeting him changed something in me. He is person who knows what he is talking about. I love people who do what they do with passion. He and his wife have been missionaries for many years and mission for them is basically giving their life for other people just helping them and being with them in their pain. They went to Cambodia when there was mass killings in and just being in the that horrible midst of darkness. The first say when they got there they wanted to escape because they haven`t never seen such corruption. He got so discouraged and asked God how can you be good in this situation. But when Bill was praying for the Cambodian children he saw a vision how there was a big field where people started just to raise from the ground and praise God. After that he new that they will stay there for longer time. At that time everybody on the streets were wearing guns, so it was really scary to move around. But after many years working there with children and other ministries it got better and they got the chance to organize event in big field. And when Bill was on the stage preaching there was thousands people coming to Christ and this was exactly the picture he saw in his vision.

Often when people see all the evil in this world they turn back on God because they blame it on Him. But the fact that people are the ones who are making wrong decisions and killing this can´t be put on God´s shoulders. Although its not easy to look into the midst of darkness and still believe, Bill was the one who still believed and thanks to that He could see that everything really does work together for good with God.

WHY I am always consurned about God´s perfect plan for me. I always worry that I might do smth wrong and I will miss the things God has for me. When you think about human body how every little part of it has its own function and they also have to work together so that the body can function as one. If we think about big organization in the world for example EU if there would be no creator no organizators no plan makers it would not work. So there have to be somebody making the plan perfect plan for you to function as you do right now. I believe that it is God. And He has perfect plan for every single person. And I am just blown away of He´s perfection and goodness. How He send´s people on my way who say to me things what I need to hear at the exact moment. How He send´s me to places I haven´t even dreamed about but which are necessary for me to go forward. And all hard things I have been going through have made me only stronger. And what I have been really understanding is if something bad comes on my way I would not be discouraged from it but I would learn from it.

There have been more exiting things going on here actually every day is smth amazing going on buuuut it is 12.00 at night here in Erasmus and tomorrow my alarm will ring at 07.00 so I better go to sleep!
Today we learned about Islam and this topic in gnarly!! This is such a big issue but I will write about it tomorrow hopefully.

"If your heart is filled with faith, there is no room left for fear."

Still thinking and praying about you my family back in Estonia and all over the world!
Be Blessed :)

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