When I was still little I dreamed about going to Africa. How I would one day be helping all little homeless and needy children, hold them and try to do everything I can to make their life better. I even came up with the plan how to start orphanage there. As I grew older this dream became to disappear. I thought that what I could possibly do to help them I don`t have any skills for that, they don´t need me. But still every time I saw on TV those children in pain and corruption I felt big compassion with tears coming from my eyes every time. I wanted to do smth about it but I didn´t know what. So I left it, there in the silent place of my heart wishing that maybe one day in the future God will use me for this nation.
I knew long time that after I finish high school I will go to bible school bc I have heard from a lot of different experiences that people have got founded their foundation in bible schools. After one or couple years of bible school gave them time to think about their calling in life and they had strong guidance for future by meeting different people and also hearing from God.
There is a lot things I don´t know about my life right now but I know who I follow, God. His ways are just incredible every step I take with Him he just keeps surprising me. So that´s why I wanted my life after high school when my independent life starts to begin with bible school. I looked up for various schools and me and my best friend Ketlin decided to go to Bethel school of supernatural ministry. It sounded all really fantastic my favorite worship band Jesus Culture is form there, California and awesome people and church where supernatural things are totally natural people get healed all the time. But I didn´t felt peace in my heart. There was smth wrong about this plan. One thing I felt in my heart that I should go to bible school alone. To get out of my comfort zone. Bc we have been doing everything together with my friend Ketlin we now each other already 11 year I guess. I new that God want´s me to go alone not to depend on anyone but only Him.
One day I was listening to Heidi Bakers preaching and really touched my heart. Heidi Baker is amazing woman of God and she have gave up all her life and she found her life in God when she moved to Mozambique to serve the people there. She thought that she will go and help them but in the end she was the one who was learning from them.
''You have to stay hungry and thirsty, starving like the poor who have nothing-for the things of God.'' Heidi Baker
So after listening her I went to find more information about her ministry in Africa. And I could not believe my eyes she had a school in Africa for the people who interested in her work there and who want to come and learn how amazingly God is moving there and see how He heals and changes people lives. This was my chance I new that I can´t miss this. This was exactly what I have been looking for. So I applied as soon as possible and then waited for the response. After a mount and few weeks of waiting and praying the the got a mail that Dear Nancy Kudrina you are accepted to Iris Harvest School of Mission 01 oct-09 dec. It was in the middle in the night my friend Maarit was just at my place and I could not believe this I was shocked:D Somehow all the time I was waiting for the response I had a lot of doubts bc I heard that it is not that easy to get in to that school. Only Maarit knows actually how happy and amazed I was when I got the letter. It is really hard to explain in words.
Here I am little estonian really having no experience of going to any kind of this places but God knew my heart desire and he made it happen. But now is the hardest part- finances for the trip. I know I need to trust God and I am doing it every day just giving it in His hands. What really encouraged was one girl from Estonia who was in the same school and who happen´d to come to my church one Sunday (how amazingly God guides us with people when we are in the right moment in the right time). And she said that everyone who was attending the school the year she was there had an financial miracle. And this kept me going and believing for my miracle. And I already had a job for two mounts and it is really hard to find job for such a short time so this helped me a lot.
I am so blessed by every prayer and I thank everybody who is keeping me their prayers bc I really need prayer support right now specially with finances. There is a lot I need to collect for the trip. If there is any possibility to support me financially and I would be more than thankful every little blessing means a lot for me.
My financial situation:
I need 3500 euros
I have 960 euros
Half of the money have to paid by the end of the August.
My SEB bank account: 10011572350225
IBAN: EE31 1010 0115 7235 0225
Mesila 12
Nancy Kudrina
I put my trust totally in God bc if He send He provides.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
And everything is really amazing here in Brussels we have had many cool things going on. Our last week here will be interesting we have 3 days to learn and prepare for our EXAM(scaaary) and then on Friday party funfunfun and the Saturday when the school is over we have free day and there will be outdoor youth event EXPLOSION, local church is organizing so we are able to help there and just be a part of this. I am happy that we bought tickets for one day later than we needed I guess that´s how it actually supposed to be :)
But I want to say that I love my friend so muchhh and I miss you today I started to really miss some people!
Miss you Ketu, Maarit, Hanna, church family and all the Kudrins of course, and my BED! I just want to say that I love you and you are important!! You are in my prayers.